Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Defying Sigmund Freud

For years, psychologists and students of human behaviour have tried to understand dreams. Sigmund Freud has written an entire book on Interpretation of dreams and today, I had a 6 year old challenge that!!

We were sitting in a circle and creating imagery through words. 36 little eyes were shut and some kept opening and eyeing at me from time to time. Finally, I asked all of them to keep their, eyes closed, mouth zipped up and ears open to enjoy the exercise. A little boy said, “what about our mind? Even that should be open”. Being the facilitator of the group, I immediately responded, “The mind is always open, so I don’t need to ask you to do that.”

“Oh Miss, the mind is closed when sleeping!!” I thought I was being intelligent and passed a theoretically correct remark, “My dear, the mind is always open, even when you are asleep, else, how is it that one can dream?”

What came after that, was a big chuckle accompanied by a profound statement – “Hmph!! Heheheh!! I never dream!! No, No!!People don’t dream either, they just make up stories so that someone can listen to them!!” Mr Freud, think about it.