Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Tale from the Tata Memorial Hospital

I have made multiple visits at the Tata Memorial Hospital [TMH], Mumbai; each time being for different reasons.

My first visit was as a Clinical Research Associate conducing trials at TMH. When I quit that job, little did I know there was going to be more than one association with the hospital.
Today, after almost 4 years, I found myself at the Social Service Department of TMH submitting a request letter to conduct storytelling sessions once a week at the Paediatric ward.
Its crazy how disparity hits you on the face. Just yesterday I was at an activity center in Worli conducting a parents orientation program. There, I found myself amidst educated parents and hoards of books waiting to be used.....and here I was today morning, at a small, simple playroom at the TMH Paediatric ward. The children there need some form of recreation which not only entertains them but also in some way keeps them still associated with the world and the children outside of the four walls of the hospital.

I am hoping to begin work soon. Anyone, interested to come over a be a part can call and let me know. Im sure, those kids would enjoy having some fun in the middle of their mundane routine each day.

While on my way back, I was introduced to Mr Rao. He has a little book stall at the entrance of the building. His mission is to spread awareness about the cancer. His pleasant personality drove me to him and we got talking. While on the topic of children, storytelling and parents, we decided to have small story like sessions for parents at the hospital which will give them more information on the disease as well as small counseling sessions on dealing with the issue.
He also had wonderful colouring books for children which had educative stories of cancer for them. I found the books to be really informative and at the same time learning was made fun.
We are hoping to work with the kids and their parents from some time next week.

Every story there will have a special place in my heart.

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