Thursday, November 18, 2010

Goldilocks and The Bigg Boss

Bigg Boss is making waves in India this season and all the more, this week. Suddenly, the entry of Pamela Anderson into the show has made the TRPs go up and Big Boss has now entered household discussions.
One mother was narrating this incident to me; the family was watching Bigg Boss a couple of nights back to see what the huge hue and cry over Pamela is. Their little 2 year old and my favourite little student also watched the episode.
At the sight of Pamela, the little girl screamed out to her mother. The mother hoped she would not have noticed something inappropriate and pass a comment or ask an awkward question!! To her surprise and happiness, she said, "Mamma, thats Goldilocks and she has golden hair like in my story!!"

UNFORTUNATELY some kids have also been watching the show!! But, what comforts me is that my kids are totally mesmerised by the stories we do each week.

Script writing - Our little budding authors

A discussion circle at the time of storytelling is the best way to get little ones put their ideas down.
This week, we talked about the elements of a good story and the answers that came from 7 year old kids was fascinating.
We talked at length about the different writing styles of authors and the plots of different types of stories. This motivated me to involve them in story writing. The final product was splendid!

We skimmed through the book TUESDAY by David Weisner. Once we completed watching this picture book, the children sat down to write the same story in different formats. We had a pair which wrote it in the form of a traditional folk tale and even attempted to incorporate a moral , another that wrote it in the form of a mystery story and the best was the pair which wrote the entire story in the classic Dr Suess style using humour and rhyming pattern.
This activity reinforced my belief that reading and thorough involvement during reading can sculpt a child's overall creative ability.