Monday, April 28, 2014

Saree in a museum

My Mother's saree, the book  comes across as a simple no nonsense book. A book which many a time we as narrators and storytellers wonder what to do with!
Grade 1 children sit around listening to the story...lines are read one after another...but what fascinated them most was that, I, their regular storyteller has draped a saree. They are amused. Why? Well, for one, even their mothers don't wear sarees anymore.
They associated the saree with their grandmother and for some....their great grand mothers!
After browsing through the book and playing satisfactorily with my saree, they felt they were now ready to depict the saree.

The consensus was 'Saree in a museum'..One would wonder, why a museum?!! The children of this group believed and almost made me believe, that thats wear this attire belonged...Why? Rarely seen, is something special and difficult to wear!
I believe that there are reasons enough to categorise a material/thing as an antique special piece.

Well for them, the Saree surely belongs in a museum.

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