Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Three Idiots & the pig

Here I am, sitting in a classroom filled with mischievous seven year olds, cracking up at the smallest word uttered while reading Fantastic Daisy Artichoke.
I was reading to them and talking of all her pets. The one that amused my kids the most is her "pig that never woke" They listened for a while when out of the blue, this little boy asks me, "Miss, did her pig sleep always?" I said, "We'll have to ask her that, but by the look of it, it seems it is one sleepy pig" Then came the next question, "Didn't it cry while being born?" But before his question ended, another boy responded...and may I tell you, what he said was PRICELESS!!
"Miss, if the pig didn't cry while being born, we should pat it and say All Izz Well, then it will start crying!"
Well, all sure is well :) Thanks, to our very own Aamir Khan

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